Joshua Lawton
Joshua Lawton is a center-right Businessman and Consultant who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: Booz Allen Hamilton, Global Cyber Alliance, Health Hat, Holt Accelerator, Lawton Management, Newchip, Newchip Accelerator, Oracle, Sofos AI, Sofos Metrics, Traction Academy, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, United States Army (U.S. Army)
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no employees
former “President” of Sofos AI and Traction Academy, why did he delete from his Linkedin?
no execs listed:
Sofia Roque:
We have Joshua Lawton as our president, he’s worked at Oracle. He’s a four time founder, has such like [inaudible 00:05:51]. Very, very, smart, very, very business driven, but he’s also a VC. So, whenever we have conversations with clients about how sales affects investment, he is a fantastic resource for that. And even for our own company, he’s been great at helping us make sure that we are an upstanding company and that we have kind of all our ducks in a row and everything like that. And then we have Jeremy Lowe. He is amazing. He’s done sales with Google and many other companies and he calls himself kind of like the people’s champion. And he just makes sure that people feel heard and listened to. And we’ve kind of been the team that has been mentoring our first group of companies. We’ve also been the team working on the content hiring, et cetera.
More info
We’re not just a software company and we’re not just an agency – we’ve helped founders close millions in sales, partnerships, and funding from investors using the #1 rated platforms, software, and tools for lead generation. We’re your expert, we’re your partner, and we deliver results, guaranteed. In fact, due to demand, we only work with clients on an application basis – if you win, we win.
Josh has been referred to as the “co-founder” of Newchip in several online articles, and was briefly the “President” of Traction Academy which re-branded to an independent service called Sofos… but, he quickly ditched all ties to Ryan Rafols and companies, and even deleted all references from his LinkedIn Profile, even going so far as to change his name! Why?
I’m sure it’s because Josh quickly realized the operation was not only a shit ton of illegal spam and harassment, but also a complete fraud since Ryan has never actually “sold” any companies like he claims… Ryan even hides his name from the Sofos brand, apparently trying to pretending it’s a separate company or something, but it’s Ryan’s. And like pretty much every other partner Ryan has had, Josh said “hell no” and got out of Dodge esp. since Ryan was trying to use his background as an “Oracle executive” for marketing purposes…