Health Hat
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Josh has been referred to as the "co-founder" of Newchip in several online articles, and was briefly the "President" of Traction Academy which re-branded to an independent service called Sofos... but, he quickly ditched all ties to Ryan Rafols and companies, and even deleted all references from his LinkedIn Profile, even going so far as to change his name! Why? I'm sure it's because Josh quickly realized the operation was not only a shit ton of illegal spam and harassment, but also a complete fraud since Ryan has never actually "sold" any companies like he claims... Ryan even hides his name from the Sofos brand, apparently trying to pretending it's a separate company or something, but it's Ryan's. And like pretty much every other partner Ryan has had, Josh said "hell no" and got out of Dodge esp. since Ryan was trying to use his background as an "Oracle executive" for marketing purposes... Read More