Body Smart Right From the Start
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Kerri is another fat, ugly, far-left boomer white lady from Canada who, according to her LinkedIn, has done nothing of significance in her life until receiving a "Sexual Health Educator" certificate from a no-name group called Options For Sexual Health, a thinly veiled community of trans activists and child predators who go out into Canadian schools and clinics and advocate for all kinds of grooming and sexual behavior from young children. After Libs of TikTok exposed the "masturbation" homework that indigenous schools were giving 4 year old students in Canada, it was revealed that the workbook was actually provided by Kerri herself to these government funded schools. She claims repeatedly she targets 2-7 year old children for sexual health because it helps prevent abuse (lmao)... and yet, on podcasts she's appeared on in the past like "Turn Me On Podcast" she's literally talking about sexual foreplay and children... how in the fuck does this prevent sexual abuse? It's all a lie, they just want to diddle kids! if you think the US is bad, Canada is 5x worse Read More