Jay Feldman
Jay Feldman is a center-right Fraudster and Grifter and Spammer who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: AdventHealth, Otter PR, Otter Public Relations, Rave Doctor
Groups: B2B Scammers (United States), B2C Scammers (United States)
Domains: drjayfeldman.com, otterpr.com, ravedoctor.com
Google Adsense:
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics (2):
Google Analytics (3):
Google Analytics (4):
Google Analytics (5):
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Google Tag Manager:
Google Tag Manager (2):
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Google Tag Manager (4):
Google Tag Manager (5):
Public references:
byu/Affectionate_Yam4677 inPublicRelations
Seeking false clout in the time of #coronavirus. Let me remind you that Jay Feldman, DO was fired from residency a few months ago for his abhorrent social media posts. #somedocs pic.twitter.com/TyiTW0zNjg
— Radiologist (@responsibleMDs) March 31, 2020
AdventHealth resident who got in trouble for social media posts no longer with health system
byu/Hep_C_4_U_and_Me inResidency
Jay is a co-founder of Otter PR, the company that so many people have contacted me about to complain about their fraud and tactics, like posting tons of fake reviews on Google and Glassdoor for their own company AND also for their clients, highly illegal.
No surprise really, Jay was fired during his first year as a doctor in residency for mocking his dying patients on social media and being a huge grifter trying to make money by endorsing “health supplements” while trying to use his doctor clout
Now that he failed to become a doctor, he calls himself an “alternative medicine” doctor but his actual career is spamming the shit out of Americans (literally) and paying for fraudulent PBN blog posts and endorsements for his own products and his “PR” clients… to be sure, Otter PR is not a real PR agency, they are a spam/fraud agency that partners with Indian freelancers and others
Don’t believe anything medical this guy says… actually, just don’t believe anything he says
Report Otter PR’s illegal spam and consumer fraud to the FTC and local attorney general, esp. in Florida
Jay Feldman, and other people from Otter PR have aggresively pursued us to remove good-faith reviews, posts and comments about them and their business practices. They use a hoard of alt-accounts to manipulate, pose as prospective customers, former employees and clients.
It’s all them – they are operating in bad faith and using very dishonest tactics. I would never do business with them.
Additionally, some updated Reddit threads, as they managed to have the one linked removed: