Albert Santalo
Albert Santalo is a Fraudster and Investor and Spammer who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Groups: 100 Worst Hucksters (United States), B2B Scammers (United States)
Google Adsense:
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics (2):
Google Analytics (3):
Google Analytics (4):
Google Analytics (5):
Google Analytics (6):
Google Analytics (7):
Google Analytics (8):
Google Analytics (9):
Google Tag Manager:
Google Tag Manager (2):
Google Tag Manager (3):
Google Tag Manager (4):
Google Tag Manager (5):
Public references:
Albert is a scammer “investor” from Techstars who loves hiring other Latinos to join his team of spammers… first they steal equity from innocent young companies while promising them they will all get rich (none of which seem to make it big, for some reason) and now they are pushing this bullshit 8base platform to try to feed thousands of other clueless startups into their world of bullshit.
Their company continues to illegally spam me claiming I “opted in” to their content on their website which is a blatant lie… these a******s are a bunch of fraudsters, stay the hell away and report their email to their web hosts and the FTC