Valerie Camacho
Valerie Camacho is a Harasser and Secretary and Spammer who is a citizen of United States, and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: Oracle, Oracle NetSuite, Salesforce
Groups: Email Spammers (United States)
Google Adsense:
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics (2):
Google Analytics (3):
Google Analytics (4):
Google Analytics (5):
Google Analytics (6):
Google Analytics (7):
Google Analytics (8):
Google Analytics (9):
Google Tag Manager:
Google Tag Manager (2):
Google Tag Manager (3):
Google Tag Manager (4):
Google Tag Manager (5):
Valerie and her boss, Todd, the head of Legal at Salesforce:
REFUSE to acknowledge my repeat request to be permanently removed from their platform’s constant email spam and harassment that I receive constantly from all the many spammers who abuse Salesforce (which apparently is their business model)
How the f**k does Gmail still whitelist Salesforce? well, it’s because this is the corruption that ties together American corporations, bceause they have the same investors and VC a******s backing these companies!
Valerie and her boss refuse to abide by the CAN SPAM ACT which says consumers MUST be removed when they ask
this girl doesn’t care a thing about the law, she’s just another corporate grifter who won’t stop f*****g spamming me