Ronald Caldwell
Ronald Caldwell is a Blogger who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: Liquid Web, Litespeed (Web server), LiteSpeed Technologies, OpenLiteSpeed
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Public references:
You know that LiquidWeb is going downhill when their marketing guys like Ronald begin shilling for Litespeed servers, claiming that is “10x faster than Nginx” on their company blog… jesus, really? I remember when LW was like the most cutting edge web host around, like 15 years ago… they could have been a market leading cloud company or anything really, but instead just stayed in Michigan and never updated their approach and are just another cPanel shared hosting company these days.
The benchmarks shared by Ronald are fake, they were published by Litespeed company and disabled caching in Nginx to make sure that Litespeed was the winner in the benchmark… pathetic