Nihar Patel
Nihar Patel is a center-right Fraudster and Imposter who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: ASTRALABS, Insta-Pro International, Journey Venture Partners, Newchip, Newchip Accelerator, The Market Archive
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Public references:
How did Nihar go from freelance blog post writer in 2018 to “Chief Investment Officer” in 2019 for Astralabs ala Newchip?
“Journey Venture Partners” which Nihar founded, claims to be a venture capital firm just like Newchip has in the past, and just like Garibay Ventures does… but none of these scam artists has any cash to their names!
It’s all just leading back to Ryan Rafols, who falsely claims to have founded and sold 4x companies (the real number is zero)
avoid Newchip and Astralabs and Journey Ventures, do not pay for their courses, and do not respond to their illegal email spam!