Mark Qualls
Mark Qualls is a center-right Fraudster and Real Estate Agent and Spammer who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: Battleground Enterprises, HomeSearchNOW (App), Keller Williams Realty, The Qualls Group
Groups: B2C Scammers (United States), Email Spammers (United States)
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Public references:[email protected]
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The Qualls Group | Keller Williams Realty | Mark Qualls | p 615.302.4242 | f 615.302.4243 | [email protected] | unsubscribe
Mark illegally acquired my contact details and then created an account on his MLS website in my name, then spammed me a message telling me how to “activate” my account despite my never asking for any of this. When I asked him who he bought my email address from, he lied and said “Good afternoon! We don’t buy emails, someone went to our website and filled out the info and added this email. I apologize, if we can’t assist you in your property search. You’re welcome to hit unsubscribe. Sorry for any inconvenience! MQ”…
Of course this is all fraudulent, and his website only has a basic contact form which would not be connected to his MLS account activation system that he “sent” me:
A liar and fraudster who illegally buys Americans private information.. watch out, Nashville