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Hairuddin Ali

A.k.a. Suhiman Salman (fake WHOIS)
Fraudster, Imposter, Scammer / Male / Far-Right

Hairuddin Ali is a far-right Fraudster and Imposter and Scammer who is a citizen of Indonesia, and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:

Brands: ,

Groups: ,


Domains: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Google Adsense:

Google Analytics: UA-9325729

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Google Tag Manager (2):

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Google Tag Manager (4):

Google Tag Manager (5):

Public references:


[deleted by user]
by inRBI

Vehicle History Report Scam First Scammer

Vehicle History Report Scam Second Scammer

Vehicle History Report Scam

Vehicle History Report Scam


his wife

Maya Mega Sari

So I got scammed… 😭 any advice on getting my money back or finding them?
byu/Scottimus86 inScams





not the same

v=spf1 +a +mx +ip4: ~all

possibly part of ZyMACK

[email protected]


New Domain Registrations on 14th August 2021



Who owned in the past? (1 record)

14 AUG 2021

Owner: suhiman salman (12 domains)
Company: unknown (15,420 domains)
Geolocation: Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia (2.54 million domains from Indonesia for $500)
Email: [email protected] (11 domains)
Status: OK


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Review this person (edit or delete anytime):

11 thoughts on "Hairuddin Ali"

  1. Jesse Nickles says:

    Hairuddin pretends to be a blogger and photographer/journalist but his REAL job is scamming Americans on Craiglist, where he runs various “auto history report” scams texting people who are selling cars and asking them for a “history report” from one of his own fraudulent websites while pretending to be in the US… it’s a growing trend of online scam in the past few years to the point that the FTC warned consumers publicly about this specific type of scam… who knew, it’s some Muslim guy in Indonesia

    used this number: 678-203-0340

    He is a very clever guy with extremely good English… but not quite as clever as he thinks he is. Not that the police in Indonesia will do anything about it but at least the guy is now permanently exposed

    Update Feb 2022: I can now confirm that Hairuddin is using TextNow software for his texting scams in the USA

  2. Paul M says:

    Thanks for this important information.
    I was about to be the next victim…luckily I decided to do a bit of research about them before spending any money.

    I’ve placed my car for sale on Kijiji and am receiving text after text from conmen. Am asked to send LVS papers which they say I should visit to get. Others are asking me for AVI report. I can tell all these are scammers.

  3. William T says:

    Tried to sell my used car on Craiglist

    +1 (254) 550-3935 This guy asked me for TVR papers, from — glad I read this post about these fraudulent sites.

    I sent him the link for this website instead.


    1. Jim says:

      Tried to sell my used car on Craiglist

      +1 (210) 329-0541 This guy too asked for TVR papers, from

  4. Jesse Nickles says:

    This was submitted anonymously:

    “Another scammer with the phone number 337-901-9665
    The scammer texted me this “ It provides the details on the vehicle check on google its titleverifiers. com As the owner you can enter the details and download the report to share with buyers I’m noah by the way, Your name?”.
    With the website to go to www.titleverifiers com”

  5. Lino Odenat says:

    Look out for this number 786-903-6800 and his name is Axel. He will first ask for your location. Then he will set a time but he would say before he arranges a day off he would like you to send him the TVS paper work. After that he is going to send you a link . DO NOT OPEN THE LINK instead send him this page and I guarantee you will not hear from him again

  6. Max Bond says:

    I just got a similar message from 6197689821…
    here is his first message:
    SCAMMER: Hello, are you still selling the car?
    ME: Yes
    SCAMMER: Ok, im ready to purchase it this week. When would be a good time for you to show it to me? Tomorrow or the day after work for you?
    ME: I can show the car on Sunday at noon, if that works for you.
    SCAMMER: Okay that works lets say 4pm on sunday. I will shoot you a text to confirm. Are you able to send me the TVR papers info by text?
    ME: I cannot do 4pm. I can do noon on Sunday (12pm). What do you mean by TVR?
    SCAMMER: (TVR) As the owner you can enter the details and download the report on the website to share with buyers,,oh, ya whats your name?
    ME: I learned something tonight. I am familiar with carfax but not with tvr. I will check it out.
    SCAMMER: Sorry that’s not the report that I asked I use TVR. Okay please let me know if there are update on the TVR report so I can make my plan soon.

  7. Joe says:

    Tried to sell my used car on CL

    +1 210 891 1233 This guy asked me for TVR papers, from — glad I read this post about these fraudulent sites.

    I sent him the link for this website instead.


    1. Ray says:

      Thanks for posting that The same guy did the same thing to me.

  8. Ryan says:

    Thank you for posting this. The same guy tried the same scam with me today. Posted the ad on Craigs List and started getting text messages from him with the same line of messages as you are posting above. Clearly a scammer, be aware!

  9. Calvin says:

    Ok what happens if you give this guy information about your car from a car report?

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