Brian Ramirez
Brian Ramirez is a center-left IT Guy and Operative who is a citizen of United States, and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: i9 Sports (Phoenix Arizona), Maricopa County (Arizona), Maricopa County Democratic Party, Maricopa County Elections
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Public references:
On Saturday, it was revealed by Vanbibber that Maricopa County election Database Administrator Brian Ramirez was granted unauthorized entry to the server room on multiple occasions, and he deleted the files.
Ramirez does not have the required credentials to access the server room. However, Vanbibber discovered that he falsely used the identities of individuals who were authorized access.
Vanbibber matched the server room entry logs to the video footage and found Brian Ramirez using others’ cards to access the room.
Vanbibber: So basically, you have Brian entering the server room, and remember I told you he does not have badge access. We The People actually collected server room logs from Maricopa. So I went through all this video footage and matched it with the logs. What you see is Brian has Passarelli’s card in the server room, and he also has Charles Cooley’s badge as well.
Logan: So, Brian is accessing the server room using the identities and cards of other people.
Maricopa County policies also require two people in the server room whenever someone is using the keyboard video monitor, however, Brian was alone on multiple occasions.
Why was Brian repeatedly in the server room by himself during the 2020 election in Maricopa County using other employee’s ID cards?
This guy DELETED thousands of records from the county elections database!
He attended the diploma mill Devry University, no surprise… this is who the County chose to manage their IT, why do you think they chose a guy like Brian?
P.S. how the hell do you get evicted from your apartment when you’re earning a government salary?