Political Email Spam Operatives (United States)
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Jeff and his partner David Harris are now working with Amanda/Tim Shea and their "We Build the Wall" scam and Drudge Report copycat blog Populist Press (they try hard to hide their names from the project, we found them anyway). These assholes illegally spam the fuck out of thousands of Americans in their latest GOP-grift scam trying to get people to click on their advertising and buy their grifter products... report Green Arrow Email to the FTC for the illegal mass spam and fraud campaign: https://hucksters.net/person/david-harris Read More
David is the latest fraudster to team up with Amanda Shea and her "We Build The Wall" newsletter (Drudge copycat) Populist Press to illegally spam the shit out of thousands of Americans who have repeatedly unsubscribed from their illegal spam campaigns. Report these assholes to the FTC for repeatedly violating the CAN SPAM ACT and consumer protection laws that disallow the reselling of consumer information Read More
Dave was gladly chosen as the latest douchebag to run the massive illegal email spam campaigns on behalf of of the GOP and NRSC and related political campaigns, illegally spamming the shit out of thousands of Americans who have already removed themselves from other email lists, he is one of the main operatives in the GOP / Trump / Darian Rafie / NRSC / Brad Parscale fraud gang who illegally trade data on millions of Americans in violation of the CAN SPAM ACT and dozens of consumer protection and privacy laws Despite repeatedly removing myself from these lists (originally curated by the Trump campaign, and We Build The Wall, among others), these fuckers continue to spam me dozens of emails a week from dozens of fake web domains asking for donations Update March 2022: Dave is back on Mailchimp again with a fake identity "[email protected]" abusing their platform for more illegal spam! Read More
Rob is Elias Chavando's right-hand "tech guy" who has followed him from Autotrader to Rentus.com and Reagan.com and now Progresando, getting more and more into the illegal political operations of the NRSC (data mining, data brokering, and illegal email spam) on behalf of the Republican Party and increasingly Donald Trump's marketing campaigns specifically https://hucksters.net/person/elias-chavando While they claim to be "online marketplaces" and indeed were at some point (e.g. Autotrader) it appears they are functioning as front companies now providing consulting and tech/spam services to the NRSC and other Republican political campaigns BLATANT violation of the CAN SPAM ACT on a daily basis not to mention dozens of consumer protection laws, these fuckers are the dirtiest of the "swamp creatures" that Republicans claim to despise so much, which is why they use so many different fake web domains Read More
Christina and Darian Rafie are "technology advisors" to Progresando which appears be a front company dealing with "import/export" In reality they are professional political operatives and spam the living hell out of millions of Americans on behalf of the Republican Party and connected campaigns: https://hucksters.net/person/darian-rafie https://hucksters.net/blog/darian-rafie-exposed Despite repeated requests to stop spamming me, these fuckers keep selling and re-selling and reusing my contact information in direct violation of the CAM SPAM ACT and as always, the FTC never stops any of these fraudsters Read More
Elias is the CEO of Progesando, and he employs Darian Rafie as his CTO. After asking Darian dozens of times to stop spamming me with MAGA Trump email spam from the Republican Party and all their grifters, I emailed Progresando and they wouldn't tell me if their company was involved with Darian's spamming services, so I must assume they are well aware of it and benefit from his spamming, too. https://hucksters.net/person/darian-rafie Update July 2022: Elias is now harassing me via email to delete this page... he had nothing to say for 2 years when I demanded his team stop spamming me, now he wants to "talk"! Read More
Darian is extremely clever and tricky, running various email spam campaigns for Republicans and beyond. His website emagnify.com purposefully has broken SSL certificates so that Google won't index it and most visitors will ignore it... the contact info on that website is fake and reused from other junk companies in Los Angeles. This is all done so that Darian can (barely) follow the law when it comes to CAN SPAM Act and other regulations about being honest where your emails are coming from. The truth is he is very dishonest, but he does just enough to be able to hold together a shitty legal defense if he ever gets brought to court for illegally buying and selling voter contact info. His pseudo-shell company BEP Consulting in Chicago is the legal entity he uses to actually do business. This self righteous fucker spams the hell out millions of Americans even when they unsubscribe from these "GOP" lists time and again. He is the worst of the worst of right-wing grifter-scammers pretending they are moral. Update: Darian is now selling lists to the NRSC (GOP) and helping them send millions more illegal email spam messages Read More
Brad collected my email address from a one time small donation at the Trump site several years ago and has since spammed the fuck out of me for the past several years non-stop from dozens of different domains and email addresses, in violation of the CAN SPAM ACT. He also sold my information to the Mustard Seed Interactive (Prosper Group aka Kurt Luidhardt) who has now begun spamming the fuck out of me as well from a variety of spammy annoying "conservative!!!" blogs. Nothing brings the reputation of Republicans as much as the low-IQ spam and patronizing bullshit that these grifters push onto American voters, with no care but their own self-promotion... Read More
Caleb essentially runs a massive blog spam farm along with Ben Shapiro & Co. I subscribed briefly to Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire site to receive email updates, and my personal information was immediately shared with third party companies and websites without my knowledge or consent including LifeZette, ConservativeNews.com, Religious Liberty Defenders, and Patriot Central, and my email inbox started overflowing with cheesy "conservative" spam like you'd see on a nutty TV show. Not only does Caleb illegally share user information with other companies but he will spam the shit out of you non stop for having shown interest in following some news stories from the Daily Wire website... (hint: don't subscribe). Also weird is that they shut down the forwardpublishing.com website while saying the company is changing names to Bentkey Ventures, apparently what they are renaming their operation after they move from Los Angeles to Nashville... yet the new company has no website. They also hide all company information from all these spam emails, and use a variety of PO Boxes in the email footer instead... this is in direct violation of the CAN SPAM Act. What a pathetic bunch of grifters (spammers), these people are why people are scared to identity as conservative these days, because of the ridiculous low-education bullshit you are immediately associated with. Read More