B2C Scammers (Italy)
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Matteo runs marketing a.k.a. propaganda for Kape Tech, the corrupt spyware company now controlled by Mossad Don't trust a word this guy says about anything Read More
Antonio is an Italian professional scammer who uses companies registered in places like Hong Kong and Malta to hide from his activities... his offshore bank accounts were exposed by ICIJ.org. Pretty much what he does is register dozens and dozens of fake domain names about sex, porn, and dating and then spam the shit out of millions of people saying they have received private messages from sexy women on his dating websites (it's all fake). His main front company is Orange Wolf Limited in Hong Kong, which traces back to his AdMirror Limited entity in Malta. His previous known residence in Italy was in Milan but he also lives in Malta. This guy and his team are scammers, none of the women are real and it's all just massive fraud to get men to pay for membership. Read More