The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Asif is another asshole spammer who buys and sells email lists from other WordPress plugin developers in India and Bangladesh Yet another reason why anyone with a WordPress site should not be installing any plugins made by developers from these countries, as 90% of them are going to include spyware, poor code quality, and start spamming you in many cases I never installed Asif's software, but he bought my email address from others and is now harassing me trying to advertise Templately and Essential Blocks... WARNING P.S. like so many others from India and BD, he pretends to be from the USA: 124 Broadkill Rd #599 Milton, Delaware 19968 It's a fake company, he's from Bangladesh Read More