The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Another spamfag from Florida, who could have guessed! Robert a.k.a. Rob won't stop fucking spamming me for his client Namechk: Report this asshole's fraud and email spam to the FTC and local attorney general Read More
David is the ultimate Christian Larper of North America - Canadian who pretends to be American - has one successful website from 2009 and now pretends to be a serial software engineer/entrepreneur - Christian virtue signaler from Azusa Pacific who hangs out in Utah, Boise, and Vegas... ... while illegally spamming the fuck out of thousands of Americans trying to get them to post "guest posts" and "backlinks" to his shitty website like its still 2003, using fake aliases like "Rob Lora" David is such a douchebag in fact, he even created a profile on GitHub just to upload photos and links to his sites, but has zero activity on the entire GitHub website Report this assholes email spam and consumer fraud to the FTC and local attorney general Read More