The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Corey has proven to be the most embarrassing Sedition Hunter of all. We have all seen him claim to be an "expert' on the subject while being exposed for knowing next to nothing in the same breath. Good people do not need to boast about their goodness. Good people don’t need to be praised for what they do naturally. Good people, whilst they may promote causes very publicly, tend to spend more time actually getting their hands dirty. Corey is a broken person desperately seeking attention, nothing more. Read More
Cory seems to be the main guy behind the jan6evidence.com website and some related sites and Twitter circles... I don't know why he tried to sort of pretend he's tangentially involved when it's fairly obvious he's the organizer? Read More