The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Don helps Mark Briggs cook the books at Validity where they use various illegal front companies like "Send in Bulk" to mass spam Americans trying to sell their illegal leadgen services and spamming services... they also sell fraudulent Google Maps reviews, and more Read More
Mark and his team at Validity have two sides to their business: the "public" face dealing with email technology, and a secret black market side where they sell fraudulent Google Reviews (5 star reviews) and mass email spamming services, using a bunch of fake "front" companies like which are all based in a anonymous PO box in Seattle Washington using a non-existent LLC "Send in Bulk LLC"... these people belong in jail for years of breaking CAN SPAM ACT and several consumer fraud laws. Report to FTC and FBI! Update May 2022: One of Mark's clients Evan Samlin has been outed: Read More
Scott was the CEO of AdEx Media and grew their consumer fraud business of illegally spamming and harassing thousands of companies across the US and beyond... now he pretends it was some minor experience and tries to distance himself from their crimes. Read More
Allison and Kevin Dufficy have been in the consumer fraud business for several years. They previously got in hot water due to their ties with AdEx Media and Bay Harbor Marketing, which sparked hundreds of government complains re: fraud and spam. Their latest venture together is FinAuction and the same old bullshit of selling fake "leads" to financial clients. They use fake domain names and aliases to illegally spam and harass thousands of US companies. Report to FTC! Read More