The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Jeff and his partner David Harris are now working with Amanda/Tim Shea and their "We Build the Wall" scam and Drudge Report copycat blog Populist Press (they try hard to hide their names from the project, we found them anyway). These assholes illegally spam the fuck out of thousands of Americans in their latest GOP-grift scam trying to get people to click on their advertising and buy their grifter products... report Green Arrow Email to the FTC for the illegal mass spam and fraud campaign: Read More
David is the latest fraudster to team up with Amanda Shea and her "We Build The Wall" newsletter (Drudge copycat) Populist Press to illegally spam the shit out of thousands of Americans who have repeatedly unsubscribed from their illegal spam campaigns. Report these assholes to the FTC for repeatedly violating the CAN SPAM ACT and consumer protection laws that disallow the reselling of consumer information Read More