The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
No matter how many times I ask this cunt Sarah and her team to stop harassing me, THEY REFUSE TO STOP in direct violation of the CAN SPAM ACT and continue to spam from from dozens of different "CRM" accounts on their platform Salesforce is made up of the biggest grifters, biggest assholes, and biggest scammers in the US corporate world Their entire business model is email spam while they pretend to be about all this other shit (surprise) Report Sarah's daily harassment and illegal spam to the FTC and local attorney general until these fuckers stop spamming us Read More
Marc is the ultimate douchebag American exec -- grifting on social media and newspapers demanding censorship of "right wing" conspiracy theories while meanwhile he illegally spams the living fuck out of thousands of Americans every day with his shitty Salesforce platform that is abused by thousands of spammers (half of whom seem to be from India and Pakistan) This fucker is the perfect embodiment of postmodern America If you continually get fraud and spam emails from Salesforce like I do, report them to the FTC and local attorney general Read More