The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
The guy is either incredibly tone deaf or just really wants to piss off and alienate more and more Americans... it was one thing when he was helping his dad with political campaigns but then he started publishing (ghost-written) books, killing big game animals in Africa, making douchey speeches and appearances on FOX News every night that were incredibly predictable, and now he is illegally reusing old email lists from past GOP websites to spam the living fuck out of millions of Americans trying to sell the most high-school grifter products of all being T-shirts and other crap on in the name of "fighting censorship"... Don Jr. you're done buddy, sit down for Christ sake and somebody in the FTC please fucking stop the Trump family spam machine Read More
Dave was gladly chosen as the latest douchebag to run the massive illegal email spam campaigns on behalf of of the GOP and NRSC and related political campaigns, illegally spamming the shit out of thousands of Americans who have already removed themselves from other email lists, he is one of the main operatives in the GOP / Trump / Darian Rafie / NRSC / Brad Parscale fraud gang who illegally trade data on millions of Americans in violation of the CAN SPAM ACT and dozens of consumer protection and privacy laws Despite repeatedly removing myself from these lists (originally curated by the Trump campaign, and We Build The Wall, among others), these fuckers continue to spam me dozens of emails a week from dozens of fake web domains asking for donations Update March 2022: Dave is back on Mailchimp again with a fake identity "[email protected]" abusing their platform for more illegal spam! Read More
Rob is Elias Chavando's right-hand "tech guy" who has followed him from Autotrader to and and now Progresando, getting more and more into the illegal political operations of the NRSC (data mining, data brokering, and illegal email spam) on behalf of the Republican Party and increasingly Donald Trump's marketing campaigns specifically While they claim to be "online marketplaces" and indeed were at some point (e.g. Autotrader) it appears they are functioning as front companies now providing consulting and tech/spam services to the NRSC and other Republican political campaigns BLATANT violation of the CAN SPAM ACT on a daily basis not to mention dozens of consumer protection laws, these fuckers are the dirtiest of the "swamp creatures" that Republicans claim to despise so much, which is why they use so many different fake web domains Read More
Another conservative spammer / grifter who literally uses Jesus Christ to guilt people into donating to him while he is ILLEGALLY buying email lists from the likes of Donald Trump / Darian Rafie / Brad Parscale / GOP spam gang. Not surprised to learn he also worked for Campus Crusade, the biggest Christian grift in the history of the world who literally pays cash to people to "convert" to Christianity in places like India, so they can inflate their numbers and keep the grift going (cult?) Report this asshole's illegal spam campaign and consumer fraud to the FTC and local authorities Read More