The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Usman is incredibly talented as a developer. He's also the "link" between Litespeed Technologies, CyberPanel, and his new server CloudPages, and he is now a core part of the marketing effort for Litespeed. Unfortunately he has decided to help in their propaganda efforts, like this: ... where he compared the speed of an optimized CyberPanel / OLS server with caching enabled, with a Nginx / VestaCP server with no caching enabled, just to make Nginx look horrible. This is a recurring theme with the Litespeed team -- publishing blatantly dishonest blog posts and forum posts everywhere with benchmarks showing Openlitespeed being literally 96x faster than Nginx, under the (fake) guise of being fair comparisions. Read More