The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Michael is yet another spammer and grifter in the "conservative" community who jumps from website to website spreading unverified news stories and conspiracies trying to earn money from advertising and donations. He buys lists of email addresses from like-minded conservative blogs and illegally starts spamming you without unsubscribe links. When I told him to stop spamming me, he instead attempted to add me to dozens more newsletters from around the web to harass me even further. He then pretended to be a customer of mine, and slandered my company on the BBB directory (against their Terms). He also bizarrely tried running for Congress in Texas but dropped out in less than a week. He's also been accused of sending inappropriate messages (and taking creepy photos) of multiple young women, some of who are underage. Creepy and desperate and spammy. Read More