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Christopher and his partner James C. Foster are some of the biggest fraudsters in the D.C. metro. By some miracle of the gods, they won a $14 million contract from the FBI for "social media intelligence" and were so bad at their job that FBI agents now refer to their company ZeroFOX as "Zero Fucks" because of their absolute incompetence. Besides absolutely failing at their government contract, these fuckers also run a side gig for their corporate clients, where they use overseas freelancers in countries like Ukraine and Indonesia to submit hundreds of fake "trademark" (copyright) notices to web hosting companies for web pages they want deleted from the internet They impersonate a lawyer named "James Christopher" who doesn't exist (maybe a combination of "James" and "Christopher" and submit tons of fake legal complaints. Not only should the FBI revoke their contract immediately, these assholes should be indicted for their massive fraud operation! Read More