
Review on TrustPilot the web’s most corrupt ratings!
Exposing spam, fraud, corruption, censorship, and propaganda


The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:

  • Jennifer Simonson (Fraudster, Grifter, Shill)
  • Benoit Luisier (Blogger, Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Fabienne Rohner (Blogger, Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Lea Lundquist (Executive, Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Jonathan P. Nichols (Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Katherine Fan (Blogger, Fraudster)
  • Michelle Megna (Blogger, Fraudster)
  • Clay Coomer (Executive, Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Peter Evans (Fraudster)
  • Valerie Snow (Claims Examiner, Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Christopher Teets (Claims Examiner, Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Marlo McCracken (Claims Examiner, Fraudster, Scammer)
  • Sam Claassen (Marketer, Spammer)
  • Reviews:

    Another lying cunt who writes 5-star reviews of scam insurance companies like WorldTrips, despite never having used their insurance, but oh that affiliate payoff cash feels good! Stop defrauding consumers and stop breaking the law, Jennifer Slime-onson Read More

    Benoit and his wife run an affiliate link travel blog with zero legal disclaimers. They wrote a glowing review of Safetywing / WorldTrips (which apparently they never even used before) When readers called them out in the comments telling them it's a scam, Benoit laughed and said "yah, we didn't really research very much" and proceeded to... do nothing about it. Read More

    Writes glowing reviews on her blog for the Safetywing / WorldTrips scam (likely paid for) and zero legally required Disclaimer on their affiliate links. Her husband Benoit manages the blog with her: Read More

    Lea is Clay Coomer's main partner at the WorldTrips fraud operation. She manages Operations, and directs employees how to reject legitimate insurance claims, while Clay pays off websites like Forbes and Insider to write glowing 5 star reviews of their scam. Yet another low education "executive" at WorldTrips who attended shitty Ball State University before "Indiana Universiry School of Law-Indianapolis" yes the spelling mistake is hers on LinkedIn, these are types of dumbass Midwest rednecks running this scam company in Indiana. Read More

    Katherine is a shitbag blogger who writes SEO optimized articles for sites like Business Insider claiming that scam insurance company World Trips is "A+ rated" on the BBB and has "thousands of positive reviews" online... a complete lie. Both on the BBB, TrustPilot, and Yelp, 3 major review sites, WorldTrips has a horrible reputation with vast majority of reviews being horrible, written by angry customers who were scammed by Tokio Marine. Zero morals, and par for course for Business Insider, the wannabe Forbes of online fraud and affiliate articles. Read More

    Michelle is one of the many fraudsters who takes money to write glowing 5-star reviews on from criminal companies like WorldTrips travel insurance... Forbes is the absolute worst of the worst when it comes to fraudulent consumer reviews, bribes, and payoffs The state of the USA? Zero attorney generals are interested in suing scammers like Forbes Read More

    This shitbag is the marketing VP for WorldTrips, the biggest scammers in the travel insurance industry He is responsible for all the false advertising telling tourists and digital nomads that they will cover emergency room visits and medical treatment in other countries when you travel ITS ALL FAKE WorldTrips and Safetywing are massive fraud operations ran by Tokio Marine from Japan, they have been scamming Americans for a decade now and keep changing their names every few years to hide from all the complaints and negative reviews Read More

    Peter is the CEO of the website where every fucking insurance company under the sun "magically" has 4.6-4.8 star review metadata and thousands of positive reviews by happy customers And yet oddly, these total scams like WorldTrips have absolutely horrendous reputations on every other review website like Yelp, Trustpilot, and here on Hucksters too: Peter is a liar and a scammer who only cares about making his affiliate commissions, no fucks given about the innocent Americans that he fucks over on the way to lying his way into his pay-offs Report Peter's consumer fraud to the FTC and local attorney general Read More

    Apparently Marlo instructed her WorldTrips claims agent Valerie Snow to reject my entire health insurance after I waited for months and provided more and more paperwork? why? I'm guessing because they saw my coverage was not being renewed, so that thought I would be an easy target to scam me Despite emergency services in a country that was explicitly covered by my insurance plan with them, they decided to reject not just part of my claim but the entire fucking thing, based on fraudulent reasons saying it wasn't "covered" despite their entire website and contract promising to cover exactly the treatment that I had to receive while traveling WORLDTRIPS INSURANCE IS A TOTAL SCAM you have been warned! They will reject your entire claim after months of waiting and then snidely tell you can "appeal" it and wait several more months for that... this is for a basic health treatment reimbursement! criminals Read More

    Chris is the supervisor of Valerie, the employees at WorldTrips insurance who scammed me They advertised a COVID + travel health insurance package during 2021 while many of these companies were getting rich off travelers trying to meet government regulations and quarantine requirements Turns out the whole thing was a fucking scam, and they rejected my entire claim (multiple emergency treatments and follow ups) on fraudulent reasons saying the dates didn't match up and my treatment wasn't "covered" by their policy WHICH IS RIGHT ON THEIR HOMEPAGE Watch out for the WorldTrips scam, they will throw you to the curb as soon as they think your plan is expiring In fact Chris is in charge of the "Appeals" process at WorldTrips which apparently is so common for them, they put the instructions all over the paperwork and website and emails, apparently they just reject everyone's claims and tell you to appeal if you're interested while committing fraud by rejected any claims that are submitted and seeing who wants to fight for coverage they are guaranteed in the contract! And the appeals process takes 45+ days or longer according to them, on top of the months they require for initial review Yah no more fucking games for me, I told Chris I would expose his fraud publicly if he wanted to play that game and he told me "I could appeal", nice try buddy but I'm going to save other innocent travelers from paying for your scam Read More

    Valerie is a claims examiner at WorldTrips, owned by Tokio Marine Her job is apparently to baselessly reject insurance claims for travelers whose coverage is to end soon or who WorldTrips believes is not going to be extending coverage for the long-term I filed a claim after a recent trip due to emergency care and Valerie demanded more and more things try to slow down the process (besides the fact it's dishonest as hell to be advertising travel insurance to developing countries and then turn around and ask why all these different first-world paperwork trails are not the same as the USA) Despite repeatedly responding to her with more things she requested, she denied MY ENTIRE CLAIM which consisted of multiple treatments based on 2 fraudulent reasons: a) my trip's coverage was for a different dates than my claim (bullshit) b) my treatment was not covered by WorldTrips terms (super bullshit) AVOID WORLDTRIPS the entire operation is a scam targeting travelers and "nomads" who they think will not fight back against their fraud I promised to expose their scam if they didn't make things right, and now I'm doing so Read More

    Sam leads "growth" a.k.a. illegally spamming the fuck out of thousands of web developers for Safetywing insurance Update 2022: Product Hunt recently disabled all the "anonymous" reviews from past years, I discovered Sam left my open source script (SlickStack) a secret "negative" down vote on PH after I exposed his illegal spam operation on behalf of Safetywing "Head of Growth" lmao that is what they call spammers these days? This is the type of little bitch Sam is... illegally spams me, I tell him to stop, so he down-votes my free open source script P.s. looks like Safetywing has parted ways with Sam after I exposed his methods... Sam probably blames me instead of himself! stop spamming people Read More

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