Stansberry Research
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Patrick and his colleague Van Bryan write all the fake email spam and blog posts using aliases like "Jeff Brown" for their scam network over at Legacy Research Group... they have been sued by the SEC for mass consumer fraud and deceptive advertising. These fuckers are some of the more immoral online fraudsters in America, no wonder they try to hide Read More
Van is the main writer behind all the spam emails, blog posts and "newsletters" that Brownstone Research churns out every day under names like "Jeff Brown" etc. He's tried hard to erase himself from the internet and uses nicknames like "Van B." on social media as well. He must know how incredibly fraudulent the whole gig is, and is trying to distance himself for future employment. Let the record show that these scammers at Legacy Research Group are the worst of the worst Read More
Mark is the grifter-king at Stansberry Research and their network of propaganda blogs, illegal email spam campaigns, and massive consumer fraud that the SEC already sued him for... but like so many American billionaires the corrupt revolving door system lets them off. This fucker belongs in jail along with his fake "characters" Jeff Brown and others (e.g. team of ghostwriters) that spam the hell out of thousands of Americans with right-wing political scare stories to sell their shitty investment consulting Read More