Seven Corners
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
This shitbag is the marketing VP for WorldTrips, the biggest scammers in the travel insurance industry He is responsible for all the false advertising telling tourists and digital nomads that they will cover emergency room visits and medical treatment in other countries when you travel ITS ALL FAKE WorldTrips and Safetywing are massive fraud operations ran by Tokio Marine from Japan, they have been scamming Americans for a decade now and keep changing their names every few years to hide from all the complaints and negative reviews Read More
Chris is the supervisor of Valerie, the employees at WorldTrips insurance who scammed me They advertised a COVID + travel health insurance package during 2021 while many of these companies were getting rich off travelers trying to meet government regulations and quarantine requirements Turns out the whole thing was a fucking scam, and they rejected my entire claim (multiple emergency treatments and follow ups) on fraudulent reasons saying the dates didn't match up and my treatment wasn't "covered" by their policy WHICH IS RIGHT ON THEIR HOMEPAGE Watch out for the WorldTrips scam, they will throw you to the curb as soon as they think your plan is expiring In fact Chris is in charge of the "Appeals" process at WorldTrips which apparently is so common for them, they put the instructions all over the paperwork and website and emails, apparently they just reject everyone's claims and tell you to appeal if you're interested while committing fraud by rejected any claims that are submitted and seeing who wants to fight for coverage they are guaranteed in the contract! And the appeals process takes 45+ days or longer according to them, on top of the months they require for initial review Yah no more fucking games for me, I told Chris I would expose his fraud publicly if he wanted to play that game and he told me "I could appeal", nice try buddy but I'm going to save other innocent travelers from paying for your scam Read More
Valerie is a claims examiner at WorldTrips, owned by Tokio Marine Her job is apparently to baselessly reject insurance claims for travelers whose coverage is to end soon or who WorldTrips believes is not going to be extending coverage for the long-term I filed a claim after a recent trip due to emergency care and Valerie demanded more and more things try to slow down the process (besides the fact it's dishonest as hell to be advertising travel insurance to developing countries and then turn around and ask why all these different first-world paperwork trails are not the same as the USA) Despite repeatedly responding to her with more things she requested, she denied MY ENTIRE CLAIM which consisted of multiple treatments based on 2 fraudulent reasons: a) my trip's coverage was for a different dates than my claim (bullshit) b) my treatment was not covered by WorldTrips terms (super bullshit) AVOID WORLDTRIPS the entire operation is a scam targeting travelers and "nomads" who they think will not fight back against their fraud I promised to expose their scam if they didn't make things right, and now I'm doing so Read More