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Travis is obviously incredibly smart and talented... and gets bored easily, based on his career history. He could have been a rich Silicon Valley CTO but apparently is too obsessed with politics and whatever else to focus on one thing for very long... That's okay maybe, a lot of geniuses are the same way What's not okay and rather crazy is that his former colleagues at Twitter still give Travis "elevated" API access to archive millions of old tweets and profiles into his own private database, funded by far-left government activists in Berlin Germany, so that Travis can focus on his passion of obsessively documenting every single thing anyone right-of-center has ever said online I mean dude... find your place in the world, please... he's in the top 1% of StackOverflow users and this is what he does with his time? Leave that stuff to us lowly bloggers and go code some apps that save the world for fucks' sake Read More