Retail Law Forum 2015 (Thompson Reuters)
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Graeme is the main lawyer behind TrustPilot's criminal enterprise where they generate thousands of URLs for websites all over the world and encourage fake/defamation reviews to be written about small businesses, and then SEO-rank them to damage small companies. Then after businesses notice the spam, they are invited to "join" Trustpilot's premium membership in order to manage/respond to reviews and to try and invite other "happy" customers to review instead, to cover up the fake reviews. It's a massive shakedown site, and no wonder Google has begun to down-rank them in SERPs tremendously. This violates Google's own rules so you can request Google to remove any Trustpilot pages about your company. No wonder Graeme and his team were so desperate for an IPO so that investors could have a piece of the pie and relieve the pressure, when all the sharks are making money off the Trustpilot fraud there is suddenly less complaining about the extortion in some corners. Fuck this scam artist "attorney" and his Eurotrash mafia colleagues, it's Ripoff Report reborn! Update Mar 2022: other businesses were sharing this page and left negative reviews on Trustpilot about Trustpilot mentioning this page and guess what? They fucking deleted it! These fuckwads are pure hypocrite scam artists: "OMG, hucksters(dot)net(slash)person(slash)graeme-barron OMG, is that true? hucksters(dot)net(slash)person(slash)graeme-barron Read More