The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Robert is yet another American frauster who illegally buys massive email lists and spams the hell out of thousands of people using fake alises and fake domains to hide his illegal activity, which all feeds back into his website It's no wonder his background is in backlink fraud (illegal endorsements) and PR release spam Report this scammer to the FTC, his web hosts, and local authorities Update: Robert is now spamming fake comments on this page using the alias "Andy": "I went to this persons website and see zero sign of “illegal activity”. As a matter of fact I see no unethical activity either. Can anyone besides Jesse please tell me what looks “illegal or fraudulent” about this business? It looks like a very legitimate business which creates product demo videos. The email clearly states that all you needed to do was ask to be removed from any further emails. There is nothing illegal about trying to generate new business by reaching out to folks as long as you state clearly how they can opt out. Is it not hard enough for small business owners to make a living these days without hostility like this?" ... the fraud just never stops with this guy. Read More