The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Blatantly stole code from our Disable Cart Fragments (Speed Demon) open source WordPress plugin, licensed under the GPL which legally requires attribution, and bundled it into his premium Perfmatters plugin. For several years, has somehow duped both Kinsta web hosting and KeyCDN into letting him turn their company blogs into part of his gray-hat PBN (Private Blog Network) to embed several backlinks to his sales page for Perfmatters, without the legally required FCC disclaimers, apparently without their understanding of what he was doing. Jackson has a history of blatant consumer fraud, previously launching multiple WordPress related blogs with several fake “reviews” of his own products, without any FCC or other form of disclosure that he was the owner and promoter of these products, in classic “Warrior Forum” style. Apparently he’s teaching his ways of fraud to his new protege, Mr. Alex Panagis. Read More
I don't know who this dumbass is, but he started leaving 1 star reviews of my small web hosting company because he doesn't know how to migrate a WordPress website, despite claiming to be a WordPress developer. Now he's lying about my company publicly saying we "blocked" him from migrating a WordPress site because the only software Kegan knows how to use is cPanel apparently. Big warning, don't hire Kegan to work on your WordPress site unless you want a clueless douchebag to mess up your site and then get in fights with people about it because he's embararassed. Edit: I found out he's committing fraud on Yelp by claiming to run offices in both New York and San Francisco, but they are fake office locations and he doesn't have any offices. I reported him to Yelp for the fraud. Edit #2 ... of course! Kegan is a Rank Math and Perfmatters shill... every... single... time Edit #3 ... wow Kegan has 2 fake office locations on Google Maps too Edit #4 he also leaves fake 5 star reviews of himself on Trustpilot Edit #5 I have discovered a total of 3 fake office locations on Google Maps so far... there's possibly more for. He's illegally using an old LLC from New Hampshire as a tax shelter called Kegan Quimby Web Design LLC while residing in New York city and running fake agencies in California. All while daring to trash talk honest competitors! A classic example of a tone-deaf douche, sad Read More
Matt is what's known as a hipster-Christian, unfortunately common in the Millennial generation. He is sanctimonious as hell, trash-talking and condescending to people he disagrees with while voicing progressive platitudes, grifting his way into the WordPress "inner circle" with GiveWP, a hilariously pointless premium plugin for accepting donations that is completely unnecessary for accepting donations. At one point he banned me from a Facebook group about WordPress, and when I asked him why, he insulted me via private message and never got around to giving me a legitimate reason. That's what happens when you're not a grifter, apparently! Read More
From my experience Mike seems like a really nice guy in the WordPress community but unfortunately yet another blogger/affiliate marketer who illegally promotes various brands like Cloudways, Perfmatters, GeneratePress without any Disclosure they are paying him to do so. I hope he can be more transparent about his partnerships, because his content seems really high quality overall. Read More
Brian leverages his "community" blogs and email newsletters to promote a select number of WordPress related products and services that have paid him for highlights or who pay to join his private "VIP" group, without communicating to the public that he is running essentially a backroom pay-to-play network and that none of the endorsements are organic. He also deletes/blocks even slightly critical comments on his communities of those products and services that have paid him, and actively ignores FOSS alternatives. A perfect example of WP cronyism and douchiness that adds zero value to the open-source web. He also refused to answer me when I asked him about this... Deleted: Read More