Obama Administration
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
How much did Brian Sheth pay Bert to setup this fake company Bayside Advisory, then purchase copyrights of 4 photos from Brenda, while hilariously lying to U.S. courts and pretending their company has any other reason for existing? https://hucksters.net/person/brian-sheth WHOIS shows that Bert registered the (formerly expired) domain name on 20 October 2020: https://www.whoxy.com/baysideadvisory.com That is the exact same day that "MoneyBags" posted the tweet that pissed off Brian Sheth so much: https://twitter.com/CallMeMoneyBags/status/1318572771086041088 And the LLC was incorporated on 24 January 2021: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ca/202104010564 This means that within 24 hours, Brian Sheth seems to have put this plan in motion with Bert Kaufman, meaning they likely known each other personally -- if proven, it means their team has lied to the court multiple times. Read More
Eric is a perfect example of 21st century American corruption: not hiding anything, just using "charities" and "donations" to mask his blatant corruption and lobbying and activism in the Obama and Biden administrations... His fake "Schmidt Futures" charity, which is a slush fund to pay off Democratic officials, is literally paying the pseudo-government entity salaries of dozens of employees at Office of Science and Technology Policy (OTSP) ... who all happen to be ex-Google employees This is the absolutely state of the Democratic Party and American corruption right now Read More