Neumont University
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Corrupt reporter from the Salt Lake Tribune, who was fired from his Higher Education beat after we exposed his corruption. Maffly took bribes from now disgraced (and also fired) CEO of Neumont University, Edward “Nasty Ned” Levine, to write fake articles and made up fake “interviews” with LittleBizzy to try and blackmail us into deleting the CollegeTimes website from our hosting network, which of course we refused to do. Maffly was soon after fired from his beat after Levine’s behavior became more widely known and after Neumont lost their accreditation in the United States. Maffly also apparently has a bizarre penchant for taking nude photographs of his daughter and covering her body in mud, which was exposed on the CollegeTimes website. Disgusting and corrupt “journalist” who is now desperately trying to recreate his image, he still has not issued a retraction or apology in the Salt Lake Tribune several years later and is trying to SEO his fake new reputation. Nice try, Brian. Read More