Lincoln Project
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Apparently Lauren never got the memo that if she wants to call herself a "journalist" that entails investigating stories, not fabricating propaganda from the ground-up. Her latest effort at creating fake "white supremacists" to harm Glenn Youngkin's political campaign was just hilariously bad... you have literally all of mainstream media, Big Tech, and major Democrat politicians and operatives on your team and you still royally fuck it up lol Another useful idiot for the zero-morals wing of the Democratic Party, who is willing to whore herself out for disinformation pieces. When the first sentence of your Wikipedia page is a compliment, you know she's bad news (literally). Read More
John is the perfect example of grifter-class America, willing to say and do anything to make cash off political sound bites and donations from angry and passionate plebs on social media. He is also a perfect example because he is a sexual predator who tried to make underage boys have sex with him, sometimes offering careers (and/or money) in exchange. He belongs in jail, and the Lincoln Project needs to be shut down by the US government for their money laundering operations and for using their cash pile in their efforts to rape minors. Read More