Hand & Associates
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Elias is the CEO of Progesando, and he employs Darian Rafie as his CTO. After asking Darian dozens of times to stop spamming me with MAGA Trump email spam from the Republican Party and all their grifters, I emailed Progresando and they wouldn't tell me if their company was involved with Darian's spamming services, so I must assume they are well aware of it and benefit from his spamming, too. https://hucksters.net/person/darian-rafie Update July 2022: Elias is now harassing me via email to delete this page... he had nothing to say for 2 years when I demanded his team stop spamming me, now he wants to "talk"! Read More