GPL Times
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Arvind tries extremely hard to hide his association with GPL Times, using a registrar in Iceland and a server in Japan, but it was still fairly easy to track him down. He blatantly lies on the website claiming to be based in New York, even though Americans can see though his obviously poor English grammar throughout the website. If you want to resell GPL plugins for WordPress, just do it... it is legal. But don't lie about it. And you better be ready for all the anger that comes you way for "stealing" the work of thousands of small businesses around the world. He also falsely claims on LinkedIn to be the former Director of A&A Group of Companies (India) which is not true. He also claims to be the current director of another Indian company called "A Globals" which doesn't even exist. He also shut down the website of Webgear Techno Services ( apparently after his GPL Times website got popular but he still claims to be running that company... so I'm guessing he is laundering profits from GPL Times through that corporate entity. The real directors of A&A are listed here: Read More