The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Kim coordinated the fake propaganda story with the Mayor of Ottawa falsely accusing the "Freedom Convoy" of assaulting people as a pretext for taking down their GoFundme campaign and later trying to steal the money that had already been donated. She gladly parroted Liberal Party of Canada talking points despite being a licensed "attorney" representing GoFundme This girl is a phony lawyer who spends her day virtue signaling and harassing innocent civilians Read More
GO FUND ME can go FK themselves. Bad Karma is coming to all the frauds who selectively discriminate against young people like Kyle Rittenhouse, while allowing violent BLM thugs to fund things. BAD KARMA. Read More
He is guilty of Corporate Fraud, Wire fraud, Computer Fraud and Misuse, Obtaining money through false pretences and funding Left-Wing Terrorist organisations. He is a valid target for ANYONE civilian or otherwise to arrest under the local jurisdictions Citizens Arrest laws (Any Persons Arrest)... Read More