The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Chris got called out (appropriately) on Reddit for constantly shilling his affiliate links that are disguised as normal blog post links while constantly "recommending" certain brands that pay him an affiliate commission. His own websites like and others also do not contain any of the legally required FTC disclosures... and he is very shady in general in hiding his name from his websites too. He claims to only be the "director of customer support" on Linkedin for example instead of telling the truth, that he is the founder of that site. Yet he feels the need to preach about how he mixes his Christian faith into his business... hmm, sounds pretty illustrative of the Phoenix suburbs, sadly Read More
Dragos publishes dozens of blogs promoting various web hosting companies and WordPress services without any Disclosure or mentions that he is being paid by these companies to promote them. Like many other affiliate shills, he only seems to recommend products that pay him. Read More