Donald J. Trump for President
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The guy is either incredibly tone deaf or just really wants to piss off and alienate more and more Americans... it was one thing when he was helping his dad with political campaigns but then he started publishing (ghost-written) books, killing big game animals in Africa, making douchey speeches and appearances on FOX News every night that were incredibly predictable, and now he is illegally reusing old email lists from past GOP websites to spam the living fuck out of millions of Americans trying to sell the most high-school grifter products of all being T-shirts and other crap on in the name of "fighting censorship"... Don Jr. you're done buddy, sit down for Christ sake and somebody in the FTC please fucking stop the Trump family spam machine Read More
Generally speaking I like Jason and think he's sincere in his activism and advocacy, but the fact that yet another non-tech conservative guy is launching yet another shitty Twitter copycat is pretty cringe, esp. right now in between the Parler fiasco and Trump's class action lawsuit... it's getting harder and harder these days to find pragmatic right-of-center figures who are not obnoxious grifters Read More
Brad collected my email address from a one time small donation at the Trump site several years ago and has since spammed the fuck out of me for the past several years non-stop from dozens of different domains and email addresses, in violation of the CAN SPAM ACT. He also sold my information to the Mustard Seed Interactive (Prosper Group aka Kurt Luidhardt) who has now begun spamming the fuck out of me as well from a variety of spammy annoying "conservative!!!" blogs. Nothing brings the reputation of Republicans as much as the low-IQ spam and patronizing bullshit that these grifters push onto American voters, with no care but their own self-promotion... Read More