District of Columbia (United States District Court)
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Amit is yet another radical left-wing Democrat crony appointed to the DC federal courts... his ruling allowing President Trump to be "sued" by random far-left politicians at taxpayer expense for the "mostly peaceful protests" of Jan. 6 is utterly insane... in his ruling he literally quoted Trump's campaigning speech, where he said "march to the capitol and let your voices be peacefully... heard" ... as actually purposefully inciting violence, and that even though Trump was still president, he can't be seen as the president for... some reason? An absolute nutjob grifter, this asshole is a citizen of India by the way, how fucked up is our corrupt legal system that a random grifter from India gets to "decide" how (again) Trump's next election campaign goes? Update Sep 2022: This shitbag is now hiring freelancers on freelancer.com trying to get this page removed from Google... a perfect example of the grifting piece of shit he is, no morals and all about the ego, just like so many other "high class" Indians! Read More