The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Shane illegally spams and harasses thousands of companies trying to sell Vultr partner program... honestly I've been pretty impressed with Vultr's low-profile professionalism in years past so this was both surprising and very insulting as well. Hope this was simply a bad hire on Vultr's part and they ditch this asshole ASAP, based on his LinkedIn profile he doesn't even claim to be working at Vultr so I'm guessing he is on a conditional contract. He previously was a phone spammer for Verizon and other brands, too... what a horrible fucking idea, Vultr. Read More
Amar illegally spams and harasses thousands of companies using fake names and email addresses trying to sell BuzzBoard fraudulent services. Read More