The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
I'm the guy this report is about. I appreciate you letting me know, even though this isn't the format I would prefer. This is how we get better. I can see how this looks like spam but please note I did write this email and I have sent it to a group of people I absolutely found on LinkedIn who I think are a good fit to work with my small marketing agency. Your company LittleBizzy looks really cool! I live and work with a team in Pennsylvania and I'm doing my best to use emails to connect with good brands and good people. I'm truly sorry if I offended you or anyone in any way. If you'd like to talk, you can call me or respond to my email I'm a real person and provide jobs to a group of incredible people who only want to help make the world a better place. I promise not to send you another message unless you'd like me to. Read More
This douchebag is yet another "leadgen bro" who illegally buys massive email lists and spams the fuck out of you falsely claiming that he "saw you on Linkedin" like all these all leadfags are doing now Like always, Zak blatantly violates the CAN SPAM ACT too using fake domains to send his spam to protect his "real" domain from spam reports, which is actually apexdrop.com Report this asshole to the FTC and all of his email/web hosts Read More