.inc Domains
The following (verified) people have been significantly associated with this entity, either as a participant, contributor, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
David Cochran is now using (dumbass) Veronika Tatar to do his illegal spamming for him from the Cayman Islands, probably to blame her for the illegal activity instead of himself... report all the spam from Inc Domains to their various web hosting providers, to the FTC, and local authorities: https://hucksters.net/person/david-cochran Read More
David illegally spams and harasses thousands of companies trying to sell his inc domain names Update: David is now using his "offshore girl" in the Cayman Islands, Veronika Tatar to send out the email spam on his behalf, probably to avoid some legal liability in the US: https://hucksters.net/person/veronika-tatar Read More