Rebecca Richardson
Rebecca Richardson is a who is a citizen of , and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
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I am first and foremost a Christian woman and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. With His help, I raised a narcissistic and bipolar child to adulthood following the desertion and divorce from her father, also a narcissist and an abuser. I was also an elementary general music teacher and marimba band director for 30+ years. My career was wonderful! I am currently retired and active in several activities: my church, the church choir, composing music, sewing, quilting, painting, arts and crafts, watching old movie dramas, and spending time with my wonderful sister and her children. I used to know French, but after 50 years not using it, I have forgotten most of it. But my English is above standard. I have great spelling , punctuation and grammar skills thanks to the best high school English teacher one could ever have in Alabama. Not everything in Alabama is as backward as many think!
I’ve no idea who this lady is, but her Quora profile publicly trash talks her own daughter and husband, and she claims to be a scam researcher… yet she also trash talks me as a “fraud”, but I’ve never crossed paths with her before… nutjob cat lady?