Ashley Tobin
Ashley Tobin is a Extorter who is a citizen of Canada, and has been associated with the following entities as either a significant contributor, participant, promoter, or beneficiary, according to our OSINT research:
Brands: Salt Water Sport & Spa
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Public references:
Ashley Tobin is some lady in Canada who was never our customer but who decided to slander our company on the public BBB website to try and extort us into “paying for her web design” of her new website which for some reason she thinks we should pay for, because the person who designed the website canceled their hosting plan with us and Ashley thinks its our responsibility to solve her poor business decisions for her. What in the hell? Only a nut job white lady from Canada could invent such a crazy story.
Hey Ashley, here is some advice: don’t blame random companies on the internet for your own technical incompetence and failure to organize your business agreements properly. Instead of blackmailing and extorting third parties because of your shitty business partners, blame them instead! Absolutely ridiculous…
Ashley Tobin
Salt Water Sport & Spa
Public references:
Ashley Tobin is some lady in Canada who was never our customer but who decided to slander our company on the public BBB website to try and extort us into “paying for her web design” of her new website which for some reason she thinks we should pay for, because the person who designed the website canceled their hosting plan with us and Ashley thinks its our responsibility to solve her poor business decisions for her. What in the hell? Only a nut job white lady from Canada could invent such a crazy story.
Hey Ashley, here is some advice: don’t blame random companies on the internet for your own technical incompetence and failure to organize your business agreements properly. Instead of blackmailing and extorting third parties because of your shitty business partners, blame them instead! Absolutely ridiculous…
– 2020 comment moved from littlebizzy blog